Tuesday, October 12, 2010

Street Merch Monday: Hotlanta

Street Merch Monday is on Tuesday this week! I had every intention of posting last night, but once my 1.5 hour flight turned into a 6 hour ordeal and a pit stop in Richmond, I decided it could wait until this morning.

I was in South Carolina (more on that later) this weekend for my best friend, Ivy's, bachelorette weekend. Before heading back to the city, I spent the day in Atlanta and went on a hilly walk with my dear friend Turner. On our way back to her house, we ran across this:

A discarded screen door... Street Merch Alert!

We needed it for Turner's room!! She wasn't so convinced. Ha! You should have seen her face when I told her we were going to carry it back to her house.

We got it into her room, gave it a quick cleaning and...

Voila! A perfect place for a few miscellaneous items including jewelry, a painting or two and a basket.

Thanks for rolling your eyes and bearing with me Turner - such a good friend!


  1. so cute! great eye! I actually met Turner about 2 weeks ago. Her boyfriend works with my husband!

  2. ugh. im so jealous. of course turner racks up on street merch with you in town. see turner .. you just have to trust her. It looks amazing! What I would give to no longer have my jewelry in various pouches with necklaces tangled for years. Great job, Girls!!

  3. No kidding! Sounds like a great group of guys at Booster!

    Hope you're doing well!

  4. Love it! Bet you don't see many of those screen doors on the curb in The City. Nice work!

  5. Yes! I too am jealous. Hannah....next time you are in town, we are going street merching for me...deal?!
    You continue to amaze me with your talent!
