Sunday, June 28, 2009

Brown Bag Lunch Revisited

Just the other night, I was sitting around the living room with roommates, friends and moms and somehow my love for hot dogs and macaroni and cheese surfaced. Which led us to this question: What did your mom pack in your school lunches when you were little?

I remember what my mom used to pack....

Middle School. Every lunch period was the same. I would sit down with my friends at a portable table with attached plastic seats, trying to ignore the school cafeteria smell. I would get out my rumpled brown paper sack and wonder what in the world I would find today. More often that not, I would find this:

A Hot Dog (with ketchup) wrapped in foil

A Can of Pepsi

A bag of Cool Ranch Doritos. 

For some reason, I was so embarrassed by this lunch! Don't know if it was the fact that I actually liked hot dogs or that they were wrapped in foil! Why not a pizza lunchable like the other kids?? Come on mom, I just want to blend!

In hindsight, that was a ridiculously cool lunch!! Seriously? My mom packed Hot Dogs and Pepsi?? What more could a squirty little 6th grader with frizzy curly hair want??

*This sounding familiar? Right. It's because I took it from the old blog. I'm in the process of meshing the two. Bare with me.  

1 comment:

  1. Well Hannah... let me confess a little something... I stalk your blog.... and this post reminds me of rush.... when Ivy, myself, and you would ask girls what their moms packed in their lunch... Fun times!!! Keep up the entertaining blogs. I hope all is well for you. Much love!!
