Tuesday, June 30, 2009

The Sweet Smell of Summer

I've been on the hunt for a summer scent. After getting free samples from Sephora (Not just the tube samples, but the actual atomizer sample) of these two fragrances, I decided on Flora by  Gucci.  Having a fragrance with my last name in it is too kitschy to pass up! And because I might ask C-Flo really nicely if she'll get me the Clean Summer while I'm home next week!

Sidenote: Ivy, you would LOVE Clean Summer.


  1. Yes, I just might. Also, I just sent this to Jamie: Check out the old song by Harry Nilsson "I Guess The Lord must be in New York City" It is the last song in You've got Mail. It just seems to fit. Can't wait till Thursday. Love you, mom

  2. Yes, I can already tell I will like clean. And - I feel like it's absolutely necessary to buy things just because your name is involved.

  3. hannah..i came and read your blog!!anyways, it was good seeing you this weekend and i just wanted to say i wear flora by gucci too!!! :)

