Sunday, July 19, 2009

It's a love hate relationship, really.

With New York City, that is. 

But Today.
Today I remembered why I'm in love with this city.

Crispy blue sky. 
A morning walk to church. 
The fragrance of summer breeze. 
Overpriced iced coffee from a very New Yorky bagel place.  
Chatter of a neighborhood basketball game. 
Large sunglasses.
Still feeling a tingle of sunburn from yesterday's trip to the beach.
Avenues of brownstones still sleeping. 
A long phone call-less walk up Broadway to meet an old friend for brunch. 
A tinge of nostalgia. 
Lingering dirt paths sewn through Riverside Park. 
Perfect for strolling and gazing up the Hudson.

I realize even with my overly romantic and wordy depiction of this city on a day like today, I do no justice to the spark in the air.

And I say all this not in a boastful, unaware, I-live-in-New-York-City, kind of a way. 
No. Don't take it like that. If only I could tell you in person that-

It's easy to forget why in the world I'm here. What I'm doing. What kind of crazy purpose I'm serving. It's easy to get beat up by the aggression and bluntness of this city. The hustle. The bustle. The intensity.

But it's days like this that help me remember. I do love it here. After all, I guess the Lord must be in New York City.

Thank goodness. 

*Harry Nilsson, I guess the Lord must be in New York City. This is the soundtrack of my city. Thanks mom.


  1. ok, so I'm looking at non stop dfw to la guargia flights right now...

  2. Thank you for reminding me why I love this city, too!!!

    and especially on a rainy day like this...

  3. so well written!! You kinda make me want to move there, but at least I get to come visit in 2 weeks :)
