Friday, January 22, 2010


I've started this post a few times. Writing some epic and lovely synopsis of life is just not going to happen. So lets try bullet points...
  • I'm SO excited for this weekend
  • Can't wait to have all of my college friends under one (very large and fabulous) roof
  • Anxiously (the good kind) waiting for tomorrow's First Time Design
  • Tickled about my sweet home town, Plano. Thanks for this and this!
  • I forgot Harry Potter 6 at my apartment so I'll just have to people watch at the airport
  • I'm craving giant cups of coffee, puppy chow and salsa. Thank goodness for this weekend!
  • I'm feeling scattered and jittery and a little restless, so I think this is the last bullet.
That's all for now. Check back in with you later!


  1. You better be ready for the salsa! Jars are very carefully packed in the little red suitcase.

    And, I'm scattered, jittery and restless too.

  2. What's a synopsis, who's Harry Potter and since we were outta puppy chow I tried dry cat food - not gonna lie, it needed some salsa! Oh, and I never get scattered or jiiiiittterrrrrryyyyy. Luvs

  3. Hannah, I just watched my recorded First Time Design and I LOVED it! You were adorable and your design was awesome!!! Wonderful job! You should be so proud.
